


VRoid Sitemap/VRoid記事のサイトマップ

Term of Use 01(SATOREPO.com SHOP)

This is the items' term of use of SATOREPO.com SHOP on BOOTH.




To Distribute and Sell them.
-You must not do them even if you change these items or not.
-You must not distribute and sell avatars with these items.

 To register, sell or distribute these textures as NFTs.

You get caught distributing or selling them because I wrote the credits on these textures.

Everything against the laws.

You must not say that you made them by yourselves.
(I'll let you know the details later)

You must not distribute and sell character figures with these textures.



I permit you to do everything except "Prohibition".
Use your best judgement.

You can change these items if you don't distribute and sell them.

You can use them for commercial use.

You can use these items on websited that you communicate with other users by avatars, like VRChat, cluster and so on.
Follow each service's term of use.

You can use them for avatars made in softwares except VRoidStudio, and use them on othersoftwares like Unity, but I don't check actually you can use or not.I can't give a refund even if you can't do that.

Companies and other groups can use them.

You can make avatars with these textures character figures in pixivFACTORY ONLY for yourselves.



You don't need to write the credits.
-Write "SATOREPOcom SHOP" if you write them.

You don't need to report me to use them.

These items' copyrights belong to me including post-changed.

Accept not only this term of use but also all instructions written on the item pages on SATOREPOcom SHOP(BOOTH)


Enacted in November 2020
Revised in May 2021